What are the different Types of Root Canal Treatment?

what are the different types of root canal treatment

Damaged nerves or pulp can become a source of infection easily. This can cause extreme pain, swelling, and abscesses. In such cases, people often ignore the further development of such infections which causes lifelong complications. Now why would someone want to avoid their favourite food due to an infected tooth that causes suffering every time you chew or speak?

So what can you do about the situation? To be specific you don’t a professional & skilled dentist will. But when you reach out to a dentist to get a root canal near you, during the consultation stage the expert will evaluate your situation to provide a specific solution, a type of root canal treatment.

Different Types of Root Canal Treatment

We know it’s quite overwhelming to find out there are different types of root canals & their treatments. However, let us provide you the chance to dive deep into the various types and learn their distinctive purpose.

  • Traditional Root Canal Treatment: A most common type of treatment and it is used for teeth with general structure. It involves basic steps such as opening, cleaning and removing the pulp before filling it to preserve the tooth’s root effectively.
  • Apicoectomy: This particular treatment is advised for, where traditional root canal therapy fails. It involves surgically removing the tip of the root to deal with surrounding the infected area efficiently.
  • Pupltomy: This is a bit peculiar from the other types of root canals treatment. Pupltomy focuses on the pulp present in the crown and only removes the infected leaving the root pulp as it is. This is why it is also known as a partial root canal procedure.
  • Pulpectomy: Here the entire pulp is removed as it can be infected leading to a major dental problem.
  • Regenerative Endodontics: Typically used for immature teeth which are under growth to stimulate continuous development. Hence here a regenerating puppy-like tissue is used.
  • Retreatment: Used in retreating the old filling when traditional root canal therapy fails. Here the dentist will remove old fillings and retreating the Canal.

There are also two other types based on visits. Generally, when you reach out to a dentist to get a root canal in SW Calgary they will suggest you the number of visits required. For more complex procedures there is a multiple-visit root canal and for straightforward cases, there is single-visit root canal therapy.

Benefits of Each Type of Treatment

The distinction can also be done using their purpose. Also, a simple thing to observe is its benefits can easily define the purpose of these different types of root canal treatment. And considerably these benefits become an important factor in helping you decide where to get a root canal in SW Calgary.

  • Traditional Root Canal Treatment: Preserve the natural structure of the tooth, and functionality. And appearance, by removing the infection and sealing it.
  • Apicoectomy: This can be beneficial when traditional root canal therapy fails.
  • Pupltomy: Beneficial for children, when you take your child to visit a dentist to get a root canal near you, they can suggest this type. It will allow them to avoid early-age tooth loss.
  • Pulpectomy: Completely removes the infected pulp from both the crown and tooth’s root. This saves your tooth from extraction.
  • Regenerative Endodontics: Allows root development and encourages tissue growth in immature teeth.
  • Retreatment: When traditional results are not effective, retreatment allows dentists to salvage your tooth under the treatment.

Traditional vs Modern Root Canal Treatment

Sr No.


Traditional Root Canal Treatment



Imagining Tech

Relies mainly on 2D X–Rays. Uses Advanced 3D Imaging.



Manual files and standard rotatory instruments. Ultrasonic instruments & Microscopic precision.


Pain Management

Local Anesthesia. Better pain management protocols.


Treatment Duration

Requires multiple visits. Single visit if not much complex.


Success Rates &Long-Term Outcomes

Limitations however good success rate. Higher success rate due to improved cleaning, filling, and treatment. Also affects the sustaining characteristics of root canals.


Typically every dentist offering root canal near you will use modern approaches. This ensures people get timely treatment with better outcomes, conveniently.

Tooth Trouble? Visit Cedarbra Family Dental

Root canal treatment is an effective way to preserve the natural appearance and functionality of your tooth. However, the different types and their benefits are important to go through so that when you consult your dentist you clearly understand their approach too. And in cases you are facing difficulties in deciding who to reach out to for getting root canal treatment don’t worry. Visit Cedabra, Your family-friendly dental partner and a trustworthy SW Calgary dentist. We understand the importance of having a beautiful and healthy smile, hence we make sure your treatment results in desired sucess.

Put Your Oral Health First

Call Our Clinic at (403)453-7757 for your appointment!
